Our Priorities

The Chymiak Family Foundation invests its resources in specific projects and initiatives that complement our approach to philanthropy. Our grants and staff time are focused on partnerships that we develop proactively with nonprofits, businesses, and other foundations.

Each year, The Chymiak Family Foundation, will provide Grants that support the charitable purposes for which the Foundation was created. Specifically, the Foundation’s interests center on financial support for not-for-profit educational programs and activities such as libraries, computer resource centers, music departments, and shop or vocational classes. The Foundation also seeks to support crisis outreach programs such as battered women’s shelters, children’s shelters, and non-profit childcare centers. The Foundation’s community engagement efforts include supporting non-profit organizations that are active in providing these resources and assets.

Community Focus

The Chymiak Family Foundation, focuses its efforts in the following States:
• Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas
• Other cities or areas may be considered on a limited basis.

What The Chymiak Family Foundation, Does NOT Fund

• Organizations that are not tax-exempt under paragraph 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
• Labor, religious, political, lobbying, or fraternal groups—except when these groups provide
needed services to the community at large
• Direct grants or scholarships to individuals; support for health groups
• Organizations that cannot demonstrate an adequate budget for their current operations
• Organizations that cannot demonstrate an adequate budget for the focused use of granted funds
• Organizations that do not demonstrate adequate planning to include active internal quality control metrics and adequate recording and reporting procedures
• Organizations that do not demonstrate adequate organizational structure or management
• Start-up costs
• Good will advertising

None of The Chymiak Family Foundation personnel or other volunteer personnel may apply for, or receive direct benefit from the Foundations’ Grants or Granting procedures.